Friend, I have rushed you this RSVP and request your immediate response because everything is ready for our upcoming, celebrated Passover Communion Service.
The date is set: Saturday, April 12th. The Legacy Center is excited to receive our partners and national ministers from the four corners of the world. Our broadcast team and equipment are getting in place so you can join us … here at Legacy or online.
If you can’t be here with us, the communion elements, which include the fruit-of-the-vine and bread, are ready to send to you at moment’s notice.
This Passover Communion Celebration will be like none you have experienced before. I believe this Passover Communion Celebration will be your divine appointment to find everything you need, to see your greatest needs supplied, and to flow into a new, blessed, abundant life in your blood covenant with your crucified and resurrected Savior.
URGENT: Click below today, and with your gift of any amount, receive your communion elements before our Passover Communion Service on April 12.

Passover is the sign of Israel’s covenant with God, pointing forward to Christ. The Lord’s Supper is the sign of the New Covenant … revealing God’s loving provision for us through the power of Jesus’ blood.
Through communion, we partake in the promises of salvation, healing, provision, and blessing, sealed in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ? Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread. (1 Corinthians 10:16-17, ESV)
There is such a blood covenant promise over our Passover Communion Service that I want to get the elements of grape juice and a wafer of bread into your hands so we can, together as one body, gather in the name of our Lord to receive from God what He has prepared for us at His table of blessing.
Friend, respond today and I will send you two sealed cups, which include the fruit-of-the-vine and your wafer of bread. If you respond immediately, your elements will be in your hands for our Passover Communion Service on 12th so we can celebrate this sacred communion together.
I have prepared a Table of Blessing as your Point of Contact to believe God for your breakthrough during the sacred moment of the Lord’s Supper. I want to place your needs on our Table of Blessing.
There is no greater time to place your needs before the Lord than during our Passover Celebration and Holy Communion.
In the sacred moment of the Lord’s Supper, the very presence of Jesus will be there to heal the broken-hearted, restore everything you have lost, and release His promised abundant life through the blessings of the blood covenant.
To build your faith for your personal breakthrough of healing, provision, and blessing I will also send you a very special book I am offering as your guide into God’s covenant promises of the Passover Communion.

It is James Garlow’s finest work: The Blood Covenant, the story of God’s extraordinary love for you.
In the pages of this classic work, you will be taken into the life-changing promises of the divine covenant, which is the epicenter of your love relationship with your Heavenly Father.
When you grasp the truth of the Blood Covenant, and you will discover the life-changing power of the blood.
You must get this remarkable revelation of God’s Blood Covenant to prepare you to receive the provision, healing, blessing, and breakthrough God has prepared for you at our Passover Communion Service.
If you plant your Passover Seed of Sacrifice of for £50 or more today, I can send your personal copy of The Blood Covenant along with your communion elements before we celebrate the sacred Passover Communion Service on April 12th.
Friend, this is your divine moment before the Lord to prepare for your Passover Covenant of Blood Blessing with your Passover Seed of Sacrifice.
Your Passover Blood Covenant Promise: When you release your Passover Seed from your hand, God will release your Passover promise from His hand.
Passover is God’s appointed time for you. But time is running out. Respond today so we can celebrate our Passover Communion Service together on April 12.
Our celebration of the Lord’s Supper will be broadcast live through our Passover Communion Service link at
Join me at the Lord’s Table of Blessing.
Your Friend and Partner,

David Cerullo
My fervent prayer is you will join me for our Passover Communion Service at God’s Table of Blessing is prepared to receive healing for your body, to restore everything you have lost, and release His promised abundant life through the blessings of the blood covenant.
Friend, for your sacrificial Seed of Sacrifice of £250 £100 or more, I will send you a very special Thank You gift: The Passover Communion Gift Set. This set includes 2 silver-plated chalices, the communion elements of grape juice and bread, and a Passover Communion Guide, packaged in a decorative box.