Reach Out
Was this one of those days when you wished the whole world would just go away and leave you alone? If so, consider that maybe the enemy is trying to deprive you of one of the beautiful "fringe benefits" of being one of God's children...enjoying fellowship and witnessing to others.
If Satan is trying to tell you that no one is interested in what you have to say, or no one wants your company, take control of the situation right now, tonight, and use the power of the Holy Spirit within you to cast him out of your relationships with others.
You need never be afraid to share fellowship with others, Christian and non-Christian. Each person you meet is another opportunity for you to be a living witness for the Lord. You don't have to be preaching, teaching, or even actively witnessing. As a Christian, every contact you have with others is a witness in itself. Being open to other people's need to talk, sharing stories of happy events, comforting those who are hurting, moving the conversation away from destructive gossip...all these are telling the world there is something special about you and the Lord you serve.
"For the Holy Spirit, God's gift, does not want you to be afraid of people, but to be wise and strong and to love them and enjoy being with them" (II Tim. 1:7, TLB).
So don't go to sleep tonight dreading having to face others in the morning, but instead, follow Paul's advice and look forward to a chance tomorrow to enjoy God's gift of fellowship.
God loves you and wants to answer your prayer. Say this prayer with me:
Dear Father, I thank You tonight for the people I came into contact with today. Forgive my tendency to shrink away from them, and grant that tomorrow I may awaken ready to release the gift of love You have so generously provided for me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.