I Saw the Lord!
How often in the time of loss or sorrow we see only the dark clouds of despair, when, if we but lift up our eyes, we could see the glory of the Lord instead—high and lifted up:
"The year King Uzziah died I saw the Lord! He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the Temple was filled with his glory" (Isaiah 6:1, TLB).
Like Isaiah, our lives could be transformed and enriched by the vision—a vision born of stark disappointment. It is so like the Lord to take a devastating situation in our lives and turn it around for our good when we turn our eyes toward Him. He gives us His own presence to fill the void, and dries our tears with His sweet joy.
It may be that the removal of a person or a thing that we have become dependent upon is designed to draw our loving attention to that One upon Whom we should depend and upon Whom our eyes should be fixed. Look to God during a time of loss, and like Isaiah, look up and see Him in His rightful place—high and lifted up in His full glory, a God of love and everlasting mercy. His judgments are righteous. His care is tender.
Rise up, dear one, from your place of despair to heights of new trust and faith in Him Who will not fail you.
God loves you and wants to answer your prayer. Say this prayer with me:
Dear Father, I lift my eyes up to You tonight, my loving, caring Father. I worship and adore You and lean heavily upon You to fill the empty places in my life with Your healing presence. Mend the wounds, heal the separations inflicted in the deepest parts of my spirit. Restore my perspective to Your higher good. In Jesus' Name, Amen.