Send Me
If you have a longing in your heart to serve the Lord in full-time Christian service, but feel there is no way for you to do this, I want to encourage you tonight. You can be in full-time service!
Isaiah had this self-same longing to be a vessel for the Master's service to go where he was needed, and to do what was required to obey God's call. "Also, I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said Isaiah, Here am I; send me" (Isaiah 6:8).
If you have an unmet burden for Christian ministry working full-time for the King of kings, take heart! Every Christian is called to work full-time for God right where he or she is. Every Christian is automatically in the full-time ministry.
You are a minister. Receive your ordination now in the peace of this evening. Quietly commit your work and your personal life to Him. Declare your lips ready to speak His words to others and lead them to His saving knowledge. Claim your hands as willing tools for healing, an extension of Christ's love reaching out to those who cross your path. Share freely what God has done in your life, as He leads. Put a caring arm around a sagging shoulder. The ways of service are limitless. In fact, you may find you will have more contact with needy people than most of us who are in full-time career ministries do.
Welcome to the full-time ministry, dear friend. You no longer need to hope for it. The call to service is already yours.
God loves you and wants to answer your prayer. Say this prayer with me:
Father, I thank You for the ministry that is mine. I open myself to Your leading. Give me your wisdom and make me sensitive to the needs around me. Use me as You will for Your glory always, keeping me faithful in Your service. In Jesus' Name, Amen.