Friend, our hearts have been broken: and forever marked by the heinous atrocities suffered by God’s chosen people when Hamas terrorists unleashed their unspeakable barbaric war on Israel.

The slaughter of innocent Israelis on that one Sabbath day was unimaginable!

From this blood-thirsty rampage, over 1,400 were reported dead with multiplied thousands critically injured.

Mothers lost their babies … children lost their parents and grandparents … brothers and sisters gone forever … husbands and wives missing or dead … the cries of suffering Jews reaching into the heavens.

Behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto me: (Exodus 3:9)

In response to the cries of God’s children, we have stepped forward to help bind up the wounds of the multiplied thousands of Israeli victims who have suffered life-threatening injuries from the barbaric Hamas War.

We have rushed urgently needed funds to support quick response ambulances and life-saving vehicles including mobile intensive care units, and all-terrain ambulances.

Our Funding will also help to ensure lifesaving blood is available for war victims, we will help provide defibrillators, medic backpack kits, and whatever equipment and supplies are needed to make a difference between life and death for Israeli civilians and military alike.

Friend, it is your faithful support that makes compassionate outreaches like this possible.

He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds. (Psalm 147:3)

Just as God heard the cries of the Children of Israel enslaved in the bondage of Egypt … He has heard the cries of His children from war-torn Israel and is calling our ministry to not only bind up the wounds of broken bodies but to bring healing and peace to the broken hearts of seeking Jews whose lives have been shattered by the ravages of war.


Just before Hamas launched its barbaric rampage on Israel God opened the door to broadcast dad’s prayer for the Miracle of Salvation in the Hebrew language via the World Wide Web.

The Miracle of Salvation Prayer was recorded live during the Mission to London where God moved through the convicting power of the Holy Spirit upon thousands who prayed the Prayer of Salvation with Dad asking God to forgive their sins and give them the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

Multiplied thousands of lost souls from around the world have responded “Yes” that they prayed the prayer of salvation! This Miracle of Salvation video is now in Hebrew, inviting the Jews in Israel and around the world to pray the Prayer of Salvation in their own language and receive Jesus Christ as their Messiah, the Lamb of God, to forgive their sins, bear their heavy burdens, and give them the gift of eternal life.

Friend, you and I can now be the hands of Christ extended to broken suffering Jews to fulfill the promise of Psalm 147:3.


During this unprecedented time of suffering and pain in the lives of God’s chosen people, I ask you to join me and plant a special Seed Gift into our Jewish World Outreach to heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds.

When you plant your Seed Gift to bless the Jew, God has promised to multiply your seed to reach the nation of Israel with the message of the Messiah …

As the stars of heaven, and as the sand upon the seashore … Genesis 22:17

Friend, God has promised to multiply His blessings to you.

And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee … Genesis 12:3

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25

When you plant your Seed Gift to bless the Jews we can believe God to multiply your seed 30, 60, 100 fold to reach seeking Jews in Israel and around the world building God’s Kingdom here on earth …

And to multiply a 30, 60, or 100-fold blessing in your personal life.

As you give your Jewish World Outreach Seed Gift, we will believe God together to multiply your seed without limits to reach seeking Jews with the miracle of salvation and to multiply God’s blessing upon you, your family, and for your generations to come.

Friend, to express my deepest gratitude to you for standing with me to reach to suffering Jews, I will send you a very special point of contact for healing and blessing in your life, The King’s Anointing Oil.

This anointing oil came from an exclusive Olive Tree grove in the Holy Land and has been prepared according to the ingredients found in Exodus 30. God instructed that the oil in Exodus 30 be set apart to anoint Aaron and the priests and all the furnishings in the Old Testament Tabernacle.

I will send this special vial of The King’s Oil to you with my prayers that it will be your point of contact to believe God for the healing of your body and for the healing of whatever may be bruised and broken in your life.

Whether you give £50, £75, £100, or whatever God lays on your heart to give, please respond immediately during this incredible time when God is calling us to hear the cries of God’s chosen people … to heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds.  

Be blessed and be a blessing,

David Cerullo


God’s promises to His children are without limits. I am praying that God will multiply your Seed Gift manyfold to take the message of salvation to hurting Jews in Israel … to the very ends of the earth … and we will believe for God’s multiplied blessings to overflow upon you and your family.