Before writing this message, I set aside a special time to pray for you and faithful partners like you who are standing with our ministry to build God an army and reach the lost for Jesus.
From that prayer, I am offering you this special message with a burning desire in my heart for you to live under the GREATER BLESSING God has promised to those who trust Him.
Friend, your heavenly Father loves you. He has a marvelous plan to prosper you and for you to live under the open heaven of the GREATER BLESSING.
This GREATER BLESSING is a blessing beyond the point of your needs … a “more than enough” blessing that takes you into such abundance you can give freely even greater seeds and step into a cycle of blessings for you, your family, and for your generations to follow.
Read Constance’s Letter!!! Her story is just one amazing example of living under THE GREATER BLESSING!!!
I joined God’s Victorious Army and began to plant financial seeds. When someone called from the ministry and said there was a need, I would give the “widow’s mite.”
By faith, I was able to attend the School of Ministry and planted a little more seed money believing God to take care of all my bills. When I returned home from the School of Ministry, I called my insurance company to borrow from my policy. The woman who I was talking with said I had five dividends that I could cash, that I didn’t know about.
I was blessed with $9,000 which was more than enough. I paid my house note, my pledge, and other bills—and was able to give more to the ministry. On the last day of a Board of Elders meeting, I was going to give around $245. I closed my eyes and God gave me a figure of $2,100 to give.
After returning from the meeting, a lawyer sent a letter that a cousin of mine just died and left an inheritance of $200,000, plus two houses that need to be sold. There are two more heirs. The inheritance will be divided equally among us.
My financial breakthroughs have been ongoing. I received part of an inheritance of $12,000. I have health … blessed with a home, automobile, nice salary. I have a sound mind. And I have Jesus—that’s the most important thing. If I am obedient, God will reward me in ways that I don’t understand. In His appointed time, what is coming to me, will come to me. When you have a blessing, no man can curse … Constance
What God did for Constance God can do for you.
The key to receiving this GREATER BLESSING is to SEED BEYOND YOUR NEED. This means to plant a seed expecting God to release a Harvest that not only meets your need but blesses you far beyond your need.
God wants you to receive this Greater Blessing that will release you into an experience where the blessings and abundance of God’s riches will continue to overflow as part of your daily life.
Just like Constance, God has promised you His GREATER BLESSING:
A blessing to prosper you with good success … Joshua 1:8
- A blessing so great there will not be room enough to receive it … Malachi 3:10
- A blessing that is more abundant … John 10:10
- A bountiful blessing … II Corinthians 9:6
- Exceeding, abundantly beyond your dreams … Ephesians 3:20
But you cannot be a blessing if you have just barely enough to meet your own needs. You can only be a blessing when God blesses you beyond your needs. To step into the GREATER BLESSING, God has put it on my heart to encourage you to SEED BEYOND YOUR NEED!!!
Close your eyes and ask God for the amount He wants you to give … a SEED BEYOND YOUR NEED … the greater your seed the greater your harvest … this is your promise of the GREATER BLESSING.
When you SEED BEYOND YOUR NEED, I will believe God with you to release the GREATER BLESSING into your life … and pour out a blessing above and beyond your needs … that will carry you into a supernatural cycle of abundance and blessing that is greater than you could ever think.
And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work (II Corinthians 9:8, NIV).
The love of the Lord for you could never be greater … I am honored to pray for you. Plant your SEED BEYOND YOUR NEED and we will agree together for your greater blessing.
Prosperity God’s Way
I have written every word of this book so you will discover God’s promises:
- to gain wealth without sorrow (Proverbs 10:22)
- to live a life of overflowing abundance (Psalm 23:5)
- to receive The Greater Blessing so you can bless Others (Genesis 12:2).
Out of my passion for you to prosper and step into God’s cycle of the GREATER BLESSING, I have written, Prosperity God’s Way. This book is truly my labor of love that you may you walk in all the blessings your Heavenly Father has ordained for you!
With this book, you will have the powerful keys to receiving God’s blessings and abundance in your life. Fifteen chapters will guide you to discover: God’s Instructions for Prosperity, Prospering in Times of Famine, What Must You Do to be Blessed, Should You Give to Get? and much more. You can discover the specific keys to step into the GREATER BLESSING of a life of ABUNDANCE.
The GREATER BLESSING is God’s unalterable promise to you. Request my book, send me your needs, SEED BEYOND YOUR NEEDS and together we will believe God for your cycle of blessings that is far beyond your wildest dreams.