Friend, … he was a poor beggar, alone and dying. His only chance to live was the healing touch of Jesus.

Because of the traditions of his culture he had no business being there. His flesh was rotting away when he crawled to Jesus crying out to be healed. He was a leper.

Leprosy starts with discolored patches on the skin, eating away at the body resulting in the loss of limbs, and then slowly and painfully takes its victims to their deaths.

The torture of this man’s leprosy was just the beginning of his suffering. He was judged by the law to be unclean. He was torn from his family, isolated from his friends, lost his livelihood, and could never again feel the comforting touch of another human being.

But his faith and desperation drove him to do the unthinkable. He fought his way through the crowd and on his knees cried out to Jesus, “If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.”

Jesus’ promise to the leper is a declaration of faith and hope for you and I and generations to follow:

And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I WILL; be thou clean. (Mark 1:41)

Jesus was moved with compassion:
He demonstrated His love for the sick and the sinner

Jesus put forth His hand and touched him:
One touch from our Lord can make you whole.

Jesus said “I WILL”:
This is our promise for the generations that divine healing is God’s will.

“Be thou clean”:
Not only did Jesus cleanse the leper from disease … He demonstrated His desire and power to forgive sins.

Now and forever … until we get to Heaven … we can hold on to the unalterable truth that God’s will is to heal us … and through His Son Jesus Christ, He came to this earth not only to purchase our redemption but to suffer and shed His blood for our healing. By His Stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5)

Friend, if you are crying out in desperation for your healing … Jesus is moved with compassion by your need just as He was with the poor leper. Through the Holy Spirit, He is ready to touch you at the very point of your need with the very same promise: I WILL; be thou clean!

As my step of faith with you for your total healing, divine health, and God’s provision and blessing, I want to plant two very special HEALING SEEDS in your life.

#1. The Healing Seed of God’s Word

Friend, there is a deep sense of urgency in my heart to place in your hands my dad’s labor of love, THE HEALING BIBLE.

Dad’s passion for producing The Healing Bible was to build your faith to believe God for the promise of Divine Healing for you and your loved ones. These are the same promises from the Word of God that caused the blind to see, the deaf to hear, and that brought deliverance to the captives and salvation to the lost.

On page after page, Dad has included icons located in the margins to alert you to promises of healing and deliverance, examples of healing, causes of sickness and death that block healing, guides for healthy living, keys to receiving healing, healing prayers and declarations … and commissions to minister healing and deliverance to your family and loved ones.

Through The Healing Bible, I believe you can find the Healing Touch of the Lord Jesus Christ to make you whole. It is bound in rich bonded leather and will be a Legacy of Healing and Deliverance for you, for your children, and for your children’s children.

Friend, if you will take your step of faith and plant your own HEALING SEED Offering, I will have my team expedite shipping this amazing edition of The Healing Bible directly to your home.

#2. The Healing Seed of Faith

The second HEALING SEED I want to plant in your life is without question, Dad’s #1 favorite book on faith and healing, THE REAL FAITH FOR HEALING by Charles S. Price.

If you are reaching out for the healing touch of our Lord upon your life or on the life of a loved one, this breakthrough classic will guide you into receiving the gift of faith for divine healing and health like no other book I could place in your hands.

In the pages of this book, you will learn what REAL FAITH is. You will learn the difference between no faith, little faith, weak faith, great faith, strong faith, and mountain-moving faith.

I have combined The Healing Bible and The Real Faith for Healing into an amazing HEALING GIFT SET that I want to plant into your life as you join me in agreement by planting your own very special HEALING SEED into the fertile soul of our soul-winning ministry.

When Jesus cleansed the leper, He gave him very clear instructions:

See that you don’t tell this to anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them. (Mark 1:44)

Jesus told the leper to not tell anyone about his healing until he went to the priest and gave a sacrificial offering as a testimony of his healing.

Now is your time to make your sacrificial offering. Don’t let another day pass. Sow your HEALING SEED as a testimony of the healing touch of our Lord that you are believing for in your personal life or in the life of your loved one.

God has stamped “I WILL” across your need. When I receive your special HEALING SEED Offering I will send your special HEALING GIFT SET and take your name, and your offering, before the Lord according to the promise of James 5:16: … pray for one another that you may be healed.

May His Healing hand touch your life,

David Cerullo


Please rush your HEALING SEED Offering of £100 or more to receive your HEALING GIFT SET and we will believe and pray together for our Lord’s touch of Healing, Wholeness, and Blessing upon your life.