Dear Friend, On Tuesday, November 5th, America faces a dangerous turning point … a national presidential election that is without question the single most critical election in the history of our nation.

The United States of America is teetering on the brink of moral and economic collapse, facing a perfect storm of crises that threatens our citizens and Christians as never before.

• It is unthinkable that today in public schools our children are being brainwashed to the point of gender confusion … promoting a demonic lie that a child can choose whether to be a boy or a girl.

• This election determines whether or not the murderous crime of abortion will once again become the law of the land.

• Inflation has robbed our people of their hard-earned paychecks. Prices at the gas pumps, grocery stores, and the housing market have skyrocketed due to years of unchecked federal spending.

• Inflation has robbed our people of their hard-earned paychecks. Prices at the gas pumps, grocery stores, and the housing market have skyrocketed due to years of unchecked federal spending.

• Marxist socialism has invaded our nation. Under the guise of equity and social justice, the rise of the far-left has infiltrated our government with a socialist agenda to give big government absolute control of our lives in ways we could have never imagined.

The only hope for America is a divine intervention by Almighty God.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Friend, my call to you,

Standing on this divine mandate from God’s Holy Word, I am calling you and my partners and ministers from around the world to a day of intense prayer as our only hope to save our nation from moral, economic, and spiritual destruction.

On Friday, November 1st, just before the presidential election, we will broadcast the God Save America Day of Prayer on Facebook and, calling the nations of the world to target their prayers on the United States of America to turn from its path of wickedness, to heal our land, and save our nation.

We will gather in the Legacy Center auditorium and call our God’s Victorious Army national ministers from around the world to bind their hearts with us in intercessory prayer to save America.

There will be a special call to prayer for the 280,000 GVA School of Ministry students to bombard Heaven and intercede for America that our nation will be rescued from the judgement of God.

This massive time of concentrated prayer will culminate at the Legacy Prayer Wall, where we will lay our God Save America Prayer Petition before the Lord as we call out to God to forgive the sins of America and heal our land.

Friend, I want you … your prayers … and your name placed at our Legacy Prayer Wall for this nation-changing God Save America Prayer Day.

As we ask God to heal our nation, we are also going to agree with you in prayer …

For the healing of your body … that God would make you whole.

For the healing of your broken relationships … that are breaking your heart.

For the healing of your finances … that you will receive God’s provision to prosper.

And with your prayers, I am asking you to join me with a very special seed sown into a God Save America Breakthrough Harvest.

My vision is to double the outreach in America of the Miracle of Salvation Prayer Video to reach the lost for Jesus Christ in the United States.

Friend, we seed for the Harvest …

As you plant your precious seed to help us in our God Save America Breakthrough Harvest of Souls outreach, we can claim the promise of God’s Law of the Harvest to reap your personal harvest of provision and blessing, and to bring healing into every need in your life.

We are standing today at a critical inflection point for America and for your personal needs.

As we place your seed before the Lord, we will call America and the world to supernatural intercessory prayer of agreement for the healing of our land and a breakthrough of healing for you and your loved ones.

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

Never has there been a day for the healing of our land, like our God Save America Day of Prayer on Friday, November 1, you can be an instrument for a harvest of healing for America, for you right there in your city or township.

Friend, sow for your personal harvest.

When you plant your Seed Gift for Souls, you are planting into the God Save America Breakthrough Harvest and can claim God’s Law of the Harvest to return to you the provision and blessing to heal the broken places in your personal life.

For America … for you!

David Cerullo


Plant your Seed Gift for Souls by clicking below. America’s day of reckoning is upon us.