Fifty days after Passover God promised a season of Deliverance upon His children as a promised blessing of the Feast of Pentecost
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call. (Joel 2:32)
Friend, in fulfillment of this promised blessing, you and I have an appointment with the LORD to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost beginning with two incredible nights of DELIVERANCE AND HEALING here at the Legacy Center on Friday, May 26th and Saturday, May 27th in preparation for the world’s celebration of Pentecost Sunday on May 28th
For two remarkable nights, Mario Murillo, who has been used by God to bring DELIVERANCE AND HEALING to millions around the world … will lead us into the very same covenant promise of the demonstration of the power of God as occurred on the Day of Pentecost.
No matter what chains have you bound, during these two nights of DELIVERANCE AND HEALING we will believe our LORD to break the chains of financial lack … release physical healing … restore broken relationships … deliver loved ones who desperately needed salvation … set the captive free from drugs, alcohol, and any other addictions.
Set the Captive Free!
I believe with all my heart that during these two incredible nights of DELIVERANCE AND HEALING we will experience a visitation of our LORD Jesus Christ to fulfill His promise to set you FREE.
The good news – no, the GREAT news – Jesus promised that regardless of your need, no matter what circumstances have you bound you can experience supernatural DELIVERANCE AND HEALING during these two nights of our Pentecost Weekend. (Luke 4:18)
Friend, you and I have an appointment with the LORD May 26th through May 28th for two life-changing nights of DELIVERANCE AND HEALING and the Celebration of Pentecost Sunday.
God will be ready and waiting to keep His appointment with you. The question is … WILL YOU?
According to Deuteronomy 16, a key to your Feast of Pentecost celebration is to bring Him an offering. He is very specific about this:
“ … they shall not appear before the LORD empty-handed. Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you” (vs. 16-17).
God’s Command with Blessing
He commands us to bring the first “crop” and present it to Him as an offering. We are to do this to testify to His faithfulness (Deuteronomy 26:1-2). This is why Pentecost is also referred to as the “Feast of First Fruits.” In Joel chapter 2 God records Five Covenant Promises of Pentecost when you obey Him with your First Fruits Offering:
Five Promises of Pentecost …
1. God will prosper you, satisfy your every need and fill you with joy and gladness. (Joel 2:29, 21, 22)
2. An abundant Harvest of overflow for you and your loved ones. (Joel 2:23, 24, 26)
3. Restoration of everything that the enemy has stolen from your life. (Joel 2:25)
4. God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh, your sons and daughters will be saved and prophesy to the Glory of God. (Joel 2:28, 29)
5. DELIVERANCE AND HEALINGS, breakthroughs, wonders and the supernatural will burst forth upon you. (Joel 2:30, 32)
Friend, God’s Restoration Power is at the heart of this incredibly important Feast, and He wants to demonstrate this Power in your life today! Hallelujah! The Feast of Pentecost is YOUR APPOINTED TIME to meet with God and receive His Blessings!
Your obedience, sacrifice, and trust in the LORD releases His FIVE promised blessings in your life. Just as He showed His faithfulness to the Israelites and the early Church, He will show His faithfulness in your life today!
I’m asking you to take THREE steps of faith today:
- PRAY about a special First Fruits Seed of £50, £75, £100 or whatever God lays on your heart to give.
- CELEBRATE this Appointed Time and honor the LORD by bringing Him your special Feast of Pentecost offering and by EXPECTING a Harvest of God’s Restoration Power in your life!
- JOIN us for our Feast of Pentecost celebration on Friday, May 26th, and Saturday May 27th either in person or online at, as together we worship the LORD and remember His faithfulness. Our special guest speaker, Mario Murillo will be ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Friend, as we join together in honoring God with our worship, praise, and special FIRST FRUITS SEED GIFT, we will pray for God’s Restoration Power and His FIVE blessings of DELIVERANCE AND HEALING to be released in your life!
When you take this step of faith during the Feast of Pentecost with your FIRST FRUITS SEED GIFT, I want to bless you with a Seed we can Sow back into your life: my life-impacting book MORE THAN ENOUGH.

I’m confident the 12 Scriptural truths it contains will release God’s Harvest of More Than Enough blessings over you and your loved ones. Thank you again for your faithfulness.
Be Blessed,

David Cerullo
As you are faithful to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost according to God’s Word, expect to receive your FIVE Promised Blessings and a great Harvest of God’s supernatural Deliverance, Healing, and Restoration Power over you and your loved ones!