• God Preserves, Protects and Prospers His People, you will fully understand God's prophetic plan for the Jews, Israel, and you. You will understand how they can be persecuted, yet still set apart ad God's "chosen" people for His end-time purpose.
  • This book is not just another message, or teaching, on faith. In this book you will receive the faith of God that is able to move mountains; that makes the impossible possible; that never wavers; and that never fails to produce results! God wants to give you an experience! He wants to take you into a new, more powerful dimension of faith than you ever thought was possible. He wants you to have a full revelation within your spirit of the kind of faith that He planned for you to have operating in your life from the beginning. Order Yours Today!
  • Learn how activate God's healing covenant in your personal life and ministry. You healing has been secured through the sacrifice of Jesus.
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    HaShem is a 365-day devotional with Daily Revelation and life-changing truths on the NAMES of GOD. This powerful daily devotional will literally revolutionize your life as you take hold of it, and walk through this year, with DAILY REVELATION of WHO GOD IS ... as revealed in HIS NAMES ... and WHAT HE PROMISES TO DO in your life, as you take hold of this revelation of HIS NAME. This commanding daily devotional will give you a profound new experience with the God of the universe, who wants to have a closer, deeper walk with you as you learn Who He really is.
  • Discover how you can walk in total financial freedom. Learn how to live under and open heaven and experience God's continual manifestations of God's promised blessings upon your life?
  • By: David Cerullo Do you need God’s supernatural intervention in your life? Are you searching for a life-changing miracle in your body, soul, spirit, marriage, job, or finances? Then How to Receive Your Miracle From God will help you experience the miracle you so desperately need. Jesus is reaching His mighty hand and asking you, “What do you want me to do for you?” This book by David Cerullo’ provides the insight you need to answer Him. Our loving Heavenly Father is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He has never stopped intervening in His children’s lives with His mighty, life-changing miracles. How to Receive Your Miracle From God will help you experience the miracle you so desperately need from Him!
  • All TRUTH IS PARALLEL - what you see with your physical eyes and comprehend with your natural mind can be connected with the spiritual truths in the spiritual realm. When you see the position that Jesus has as your High Priest, your faith will have a firm, lasting foundation.
  • This powerful teaching will help you discover what true worship really is and how it can literally change your life. Jesus said, But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him (John 4:23).
  • In every one of our lives, there are defining moments- moments where you come face to face with the truth, and then that truth challenges you to change. Read of the defining moment where Morris Cerullo heard God say “Son, you haven’t seen anything yet.” He was witnessing miracles then, and continue to see and hear of God doing countless miracles since. Read of the many stories that Morris believe God was alluding to when He said those powerful words to him. Now you can receive those words over your life- You haven’t seen anything yet!
  • By: David Cerullo Are you tired of living in the land of not enough or barely enough? Your heavenly Father loves you and wants to bless you with more than enough! Imagine what your life could be like with more than enough energy. More than enough time. More than enough joy. And more than enough financial resources for you to bless others through the overflowing abundance God has given you. As you read this powerful message to transform every area of your life, you will never be the same. God's Word is your title deed to a new land...The Land of More Than Enough!
  • By: Tommy Barnett In more than twenty-five years of ministry, and as pastor of one of America’s largest and fastest growing churches, Tommy Barnett has discovered the key biblical factors for multiplying your effectiveness. His forty factors will help you to multiply your potential—not simply add to it, subtract from it or divide it. For pastors and church leaders, Christian businessmen and anyone else interested in getting more effective results in their own ministry or marketplace, Multiplication will teach, inspire, and motivate.
  • What would it be life for you to experience freedom from every hurt? God wants to bring you into an experience of 100% victory over every area of your life. You will be taken step by step, into God's plan for your complete and total restoration.
  • We are living in a time when there are circumstance that come against us in life that can make us feel overwhelmed … circumstances that bring stress and worry, which can lead to discouragement, depression and spiritual burnout, as well as physical ailments and sicknesses. In a world where stress and worry have created some of the biggest threats to your spiritual and physical health, God has given Dr. Cerullo the keys to overcome Satan's attack.
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