• By: David Cerullo If you’ve been frustrated trying to find prosperity your way, it’s time to learn the secrets of prosperity God’s way! David Cerullo’s book will help you discover your Heavenly Father’s amazing plan to help you receive His blessings so you can bless others, gain wealth without sorrow, and live a life of overflowing abundance! God’s plan is to bless you and make you a blessing, and Prosperity God’s Way is the guide to help you get started!
  • In this exciting revelation, you will discover the powerful, spiritual secrets that Jacob learned. He could have been defeated by his own character flaws, fear, depression, enemies, and circumstances. But Jacob never gave up and God never left him. In fact, Jacob even wrestled with the angel of the Lord. God changed Jacob, and he overcame. This same miracle breakthrough is available for you.
  • Sale!

    School-Of-Healing Kit

    Are you ready to embrace a new level of divine healing right within the sanctuary of your home? Unlock the miraculous! God's burning desire for your well-being has ignited a fresh wave of His healing power. We are thrilled to introduce the transformative School-Of-Healing Kit by Morris Cerullo. This unique customized essential kit consists of not one book but three books, seven DVDs, Anointing Oil, and Prayer Cards that work collaboratively to revolutionize your faith, ignite your healing journey, and bring miraculous results into your life! 
  • By: David Cerullo These are the appointed feasts of the Lord that you shall proclaim as holy convocations; they are My appointed feasts." Your Heavenly Father wants to step into the circumstances of your life with His supernatural breakthroughs, and some of His most amazing blessings are offered through the "holy convocations" and "appointed times". As you return to these "ancient paths" and keep your appointments with God, His favor will take you from the land of Not Enough or Barely Enough to His land of More Than Enough. Get ready to be blessed beyond your wildest dreams!
  • Avez-vous déjà prié et demandé à Dieu une guérison, une aide financière ou la résolution de problèmes familiaux mais avez-vous l'impression que Dieu n'a pas répondu à vos prières? Vous pensez que Dieu vous a oublié, alors que vous entendez les témoignages d’autres Chrétiens autour de vous qui semblent avoir pratiquement toutes leurs prières exaucées miraculeusement. Si c’est votre cas, alors ce message est pour vous! Dans ce livre, vous ferez l’expérience de la réponse de Dieu à chaque prière que vous avez priée, ne passez pas à côté! Commandez votre e-book aujourd'hui!
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