• Christ is coming for a holy, anointed, OVERCOMING Church! He is building His Church and He said, ...the gates of hell shall not prevail against us! His purpose for the Church is, and always has been, to transform us into a powerful, victorious, overcoming CHURCH! His intention is regardless of what the enemy may try to do to defeat us, we will be strong and immovable—OVERCOMERS! This book will explore the promises Christ gave the seven churches in Revelation 2-3 to those who OVERCOME. We will look at how each of the eight promises relate to the Church today and Christ’s plan for us to be an OVERCOMING CHURCH.
  • With Christ in the School of Prayer is an absolute must-have for those who are really serious about intercession and are ready to move into a new level of strategic, warfare prayer. This dimension of prayer is beyond the normal, traditional type of prayer. It is prayer that supersedes our natural minds and moves into the supernatural to take hold of the impossible.
  • Supernatural Eyesight This journey, with Dr. Cerullo into the world of the Holy Spirit will release eyesight as you have never experienced it. Supernatural eyesight is looking into the Spirit, as the great prophets of the Bible did, to see the spiritual reality that is hidden just beyond our eyes. This supernatural eyesight is essential to the higher calling of the Christian. Get Yours Today!
  • By: David Cerullo Heal me, O Lord! -Jeremiah 17:14 IF THIS IS THE CRY OF YOUR HEART today – either for yourself or a loved one – David Cerullo reveals proven scriptural keys to unleash God’s healing power! Discover how you can… Know with confidence God wants to heal you Access His supernatural resources Eliminate any hindrances to His healing touch David answers 15 often-asked questions about healing…present 31 Bible-based devotionals on God’s healing power…and share 6 steps for how you can be healed NOW!
  • Covenant

    By: David Cerullo If you’ve been frustrated trying to find prosperity your way, it’s time to learn the secrets of prosperity God’s way! David Cerullo’s book will help you discover your Heavenly Father’s amazing plan to help you receive His blessings so you can bless others, gain wealth without sorrow, and live a life of overflowing abundance! God’s plan is to bless you and make you a blessing, and Prosperity God’s Way is the guide to help you get started!
  • By: David Cerullo These are the appointed feasts of the Lord that you shall proclaim as holy convocations; they are My appointed feasts." Your Heavenly Father wants to step into the circumstances of your life with His supernatural breakthroughs, and some of His most amazing blessings are offered through the "holy convocations" and "appointed times". As you return to these "ancient paths" and keep your appointments with God, His favor will take you from the land of Not Enough or Barely Enough to His land of More Than Enough. Get ready to be blessed beyond your wildest dreams!
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