• These two powerful, classic DVD message were preached under an incredibly heavy anointing before thousands of my partners.  This message will take you to a new level of breakthrough in your prayers.  The message on Prayer and Intercession will change your life in a might way!
  • God has revealed to me that a mighty manifestation of the Holy Spirit is coming. It will bring us into an experience of knowing Christ in all of His fullness. We will begin to function as the true Body of Christ. God will bring us into a powerful new dimension of unity in the Spirit. When this happens, get ready! The world will see the greatest release of the miracle-working power of God that it has ever seen. We will be living, and walking, in the manifestations of God’s miracle-working power.
  • This ebook engages you in God's battle for victory in your life. Right now, grab hold of one of the greatest truths God has ever revealed to me for fighting.
  • By: David Cerullo Download Only Heal me, O Lord! -Jeremiah 17:14 IF THIS IS THE CRY OF YOUR HEART today – either for yourself or a loved one – David Cerullo reveals proven scriptural keys to unleash God’s healing power! Discover how you can… Know with confidence God wants to heal you Access His supernatural resources Eliminate any hindrances to His healing touch David answers 15 often-asked questions about healing…present 31 Bible-based devotionals on God’s healing power…and share 6 steps for how you can be healed NOW! Get Your eBook Now!
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    Propel your spiritual journey to a new level. These Library Classics by Morris Cerullo contain powerful teachings like the Keys to Victory, Hearing the Voice of God, and the Revelation Faith with a Step by Step Plaque that will unlock the Bible's mysteries. • Hearing God's Voice Library Classic empowers you with invaluable knowledge to hear, recognize, listen, and discern the Voice of God. No longer will you struggle to differentiate between the divine guidance and the noise of your natural mind or the deceitful whispers of Satan! • Revelation Faith Library Classic will guide you into a profound understanding of genuine faith – the kind of faith God imparts to His beloved children. With this newfound God-measure of faith, you will experience a profound transformation, overcoming obstacles and witnessing God's power work in your life. • Keys to Victory Library Classic dive into the strategies used by Jesus Himself to defeat Satan over two millennia ago. Imagine understanding and applying the very tactics that our Savior employed to conquer darkness and claim victory. Armed with these powerful insights, you can triumph over challenges, walk with spiritual authority, and live with purpose and impact! • The Step-by-Step Plaque is the ultimate reminder to meditate on the amazing spiritual growth journey you will undertake with these Victory Miracle Library Classics will take you on. Step by step, you will reach your Victory Miracle!
  • Overcome Satan's seven strategies for the cycle of defeat as you learn how to wage war with the enemy in the real battlefield of your mind. You will learn tactics for overcoming depression, oppression, obsession, temptation, fear, demonic possession, delusion, and deception. This exciting book will change your life!
  • Learn how activate God's healing covenant in your personal life and ministry. You healing has been secured through the sacrifice of Jesus.
  • You will discover spiritual strategies to overcoming and slaying your giants - the circumstances and situation in your life. You will have 100% victory, 100% of the time. God's servant will take you deep into the trials and victories of David, Jehoshaphat and Peter, to reveal to you God's unchangeable keys for personal victory.
  • God is bringing you into a new position of power, authority, and dominion. He has destined you to be a man or woman of power and authority through whom He can manifest His supernatural power. The greatest outpouring of God's Spirit is yet to come. He hasn't planned to put any limitations on the release of His power through you. Through you, God wants to heal the sick, cast out devils, raise the dead, and fulfill His will in this end-time hour. Take your position of power and authority as a child of God and a joint-heir with Christ.
  • God Preserves, Protects and Prospers His People, you will fully understand God's prophetic plan for the Jews, Israel, and you. You will understand how they can be persecuted, yet still set apart ad God's "chosen" people for His end-time purpose.
  • All TRUTH IS PARALLEL - what you see with your physical eyes and comprehend with your natural mind can be connected with the spiritual truths in the spiritual realm. When you see the position that Jesus has as your High Priest, your faith will have a firm, lasting foundation.
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    School-Of-Healing Kit

    Are you ready to embrace a new level of divine healing right within the sanctuary of your home? Unlock the miraculous! God's burning desire for your well-being has ignited a fresh wave of His healing power. We are thrilled to introduce the transformative School-Of-Healing Kit by Morris Cerullo. This unique customized essential kit consists of not one book but three books, seven DVDs, Anointing Oil, and Prayer Cards that work collaboratively to revolutionize your faith, ignite your healing journey, and bring miraculous results into your life! 
  • This book is not just another message, or teaching, on faith. In this book you will receive the faith of God that is able to move mountains; that makes the impossible possible; that never wavers; and that never fails to produce results! God wants to give you an experience! He wants to take you into a new, more powerful dimension of faith than you ever thought was possible. He wants you to have a full revelation within your spirit of the kind of faith that He planned for you to have operating in your life from the beginning. Order Yours Today!
  • By: David Cerullo Find powerful Biblical secrets for multiplying God’s blessings and taking your life from ordinary to EXTRA-ORDINARY! David Cerullo will help you discover: • How God’s double portion blessings will change every area of your life • The surest path to receiving your double portion • Why you can recover double of anything the enemy has stolen • How to keep from squandering your double portion inheritance It’s time to believe God for breakthroughs above and beyond anything you’ve dreamed of before! David Cerullo’s book will help you discover your Heavenly Father’s amazing plan to help you receive His blessings so you can bless others, gain wealth without sorrow, and live a life of overflowing abundance! God’s plan is to bless you and make you a blessing, and Prosperity God’s Way is the guide to help you get started!
  • With that commandment, God forever changed the life of Morris Cerullo. Read this dynamic account of how God touched the life of one willing servant to raise up an army of believers to change the world for the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
  • Be delivered from feelings of fear, discouragement, depression, stress, weariness, worry, and doubt! This book is a powerful training resource that exposes Satan's plan against you, your finances, your family, and your ministry. Learn how to stop Satan’s plan and enter into God’s cycle of 100 percent victory!
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    Order the full 6-DVD Morris Cerullo How To Win The Battle OF the Tongue School of Ministry set and discover:
    • Life And Death Are In The Power Of Your Tongue!
    • Turn Defeat Into Victory By Controlling Your Tongue!
    • Set A Watch Over Your Tongue!
    • Speak The Word With Power And Authority!
    • God's Word In Your Mouth Is A Powerful Living Force!
    • Speak The Word In The Power And Authority Of Christ!
    • Speak God's Word Into Your Circumstances!
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