• By: David Cerullo Heal me, O Lord! -Jeremiah 17:14 IF THIS IS THE CRY OF YOUR HEART today ā€“ either for yourself or a loved one ā€“ David Cerullo reveals proven scriptural keys to unleash Godā€™s healing power! Discover how you canā€¦ Know with confidence God wants to heal you Access His supernatural resources Eliminate any hindrances to His healing touch David answers 15 often-asked questions about healingā€¦present 31 Bible-based devotionals on Godā€™s healing powerā€¦and share 6 steps for how you can be healed NOW!
  • By: David Cerullo Download Only Heal me, O Lord! -Jeremiah 17:14 IF THIS IS THE CRY OF YOUR HEART today ā€“ either for yourself or a loved one ā€“ David Cerullo reveals proven scriptural keys to unleash Godā€™s healing power! Discover how you canā€¦ Know with confidence God wants to heal you Access His supernatural resources Eliminate any hindrances to His healing touch David answers 15 often-asked questions about healingā€¦present 31 Bible-based devotionals on Godā€™s healing powerā€¦and share 6 steps for how you can be healed NOW! Get Your eBook Now!
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    The Priestly Blessing

    • The Priestly Prayer of the BlessingĀ by Warren M. Marcus As they walked through the wilderness for forty years, the children of Israel received supernatural provision, divine health and angelic protection. In this powerful book and DVD set, Warren M. Marcus reveals how you can experience a supernatural, intimate relationship with your heavenly Father and walk in your God-given destiny like never before.
    • Double BlessingĀ by Mark Baterson Donā€™t Settle for Less Than Youā€™re Called to Bless. God doesnā€™t bless us to raise our standard of living but to raise our standard of giving. Real joy is found in ā€œflipping the blessing.ā€ Some call it ā€œpaying it forward.ā€ In Double Blessing, Mark Baterson challenges you to pursue a lifestyle of God-glorifying giving. As God blesses you in this, our year of expecting supernatural INCREASE, He wants you to be a blessing to others.
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    Power Series

    • Experience Godā€™s Unlimited Power by Morris Cerullo God has destined you to be a man or woman of power and authority. Through you He wants to heal the sick, cast out devils, raise the dead, and fulfill His will on the earth. Learn how to take your position of power and authority as a child of God and joint-heir with Christ!
    • How to Have the Power of God by Morris Cerullo Discover how your faithfulness can lead to a life filled with Godā€™s divine power to overcome your day-to-day struggles and burdens. God wants you to have 100% victory ā€¦ in HIS power!
    • Persevere with Power by Samuel Rodriguez Inspired by the prophets Elijah and Elisha, explore the power of persevering with hope amid the dark times. If painful circumstances or losses have you weary and discouraged, grab hold of Godā€™s promises and get ready to complete your assignment!
    • The Power of Favor by Joel Osteen Your heavenly Father is not limited by your loss, your lack, or the barren ground that has left you with no hope. You can release the power of favor as your shield from the flood of attacks against you and find your favor in the famine.
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    Are you ready for YOUR miraculous INCREASE in 2024, unlike any other blessing youā€™ve ever received? These three powerful teachings walk you through key biblical principles for strengthening your prayer life, waiting on God, and living a life of abundance as God intended.
    • Godā€™s Prophetic Financial Plan for Your Life! With more than seven hours of breakthrough teachings, Morris Cerullo give you the spiritual tools to release Godā€™s creative power within. Discover Godā€™s prophetic plan for you to obtain wealth, to live and prosper under His financial anointing. Turn your financial situations around. It IS Godā€™s will for you to prosper!
    • Prosperity Godā€™s Way You are not meant for financial bondage! In Godā€™s economy there is NO LACK, but you need to go beyond the limitations of your natural mind. Learn the faith-filled steps to become debt-free and expect Godā€™s divine sufficiency for your life!
    • Soaring Over Lifeā€™s Storms The key to Godā€™s overcoming power is through a divine exchange ā€“ your weakness for His strength. This powerful teaching reveals how fervent praying and waiting on God will build your faith to soar over lifeā€™s storms.
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    Take It Back Bundle

    It is a truly transformative book and DVD by renowned author and spiritual leader David Cerullo. This powerful resource will empower you to reclaim your life from the clutches of darkness. This powerful resource will empower you to reclaim your life from the clutches of darkness. ā€¢ Unleash Your Spiritual Armor: Learn how to put on your spiritual armor and fortify yourself against the devil's attacks. Understand the significance of each piece and how it can shield you from harm. ā€¢ Harness the Weapons of Victory:Ā Discover the potent weapons that God has bestowed upon you. From faith to prayer, gain insight into how to effectively wield these tools to overcome any obstacle. ā€¢ Empower Your Battle Plan:Ā Whether youā€™re facing marital struggles, challenges with your children, health concerns, or financial turmoil, David Cerulloā€™s life-changing teachings offer a roadmap to victory. Equip yourself with strategies to recognize and counteract Satanā€™s devious tactics. ā€¢ Transformative Wisdom for All:Ā Take it Back isnā€™t just a resource ā€“ itā€™s a guide to liberation. Regardless of your past, these teachings will empower you to triumph over adversity and reclaim the life you deserve.
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    Propel your spiritual journey to a new level. These Library Classics by Morris Cerullo contain powerful teachings like theĀ Keys to Victory,Ā Hearing the Voice of God, and theĀ Revelation FaithĀ with aĀ Step by StepĀ Plaque that will unlock the Bible's mysteries. ā€¢ Hearing God's Voice Library Classic empowers you with invaluable knowledge to hear, recognize, listen, and discern the Voice of God. No longer will you struggle to differentiate between the divine guidance and the noise of your natural mind or the deceitful whispers of Satan! ā€¢ Revelation Faith Library Classic will guide you into a profound understanding of genuine faith ā€“ the kind of faith God imparts to His beloved children. With this newfound God-measure of faith, you will experience a profound transformation, overcoming obstacles and witnessing God's power work in your life. ā€¢ Keys to Victory Library Classic dive into the strategies used by Jesus Himself to defeat Satan over two millennia ago. Imagine understanding and applying the very tactics that our Savior employed to conquer darkness and claim victory. Armed with these powerful insights, you can triumph over challenges, walk with spiritual authority, and live with purpose and impact! ā€¢ The Step-by-Step Plaque is the ultimate reminder to meditate on the amazing spiritual growth journey you will undertake with these Victory Miracle Library Classics will take you on. Step by step, you will reach your Victory Miracle!
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    Prepare to have a new understanding and hunger for prayer as you exercise the principles taught in the Breakthrough Prayer Bundle and personally experience the effect and force that the power of prayer has on your life. This dynamic prayer package includes:
    • The Pathway to Abundance book by Morris Cerullo reveals that the pathway to abundance is reached by first taking the pathway to prayer. At the core of his teachings lies the inspiring story of Jabez ā€“ a gold mine filled with Godā€™s wisdom uncovering the power of prayer.
    • Experience The Power of Prayer and Intercession like never before with a collection of 8 anointed devotions. Explore Godā€™s will, guidance, refuge, grace, and power through beautiful compositions crafted to elevate these special messages of hope for you to meditate on in prayer.
    • Gaining new authority through your faith will empower you to demolish any strongholds the enemy may want to place in your life. Morris Cerulloā€™s book, The Last Great Anointing, will prepare you to face spiritual battles with confidence and courage.
    • This New Level of Strategic Spiritual Warfare Prayer is the perfect way to learn how to become a mighty intercessor! This book will catapult your spiritual journey in ways you canā€™t even imagine. Be energized and charged up by the Holy Spirit as you discover a new, all-consuming passion for prayer.
    • Whether youā€™re hoping for a miracle in your emotions, finances, marriage, or even the breaking of generational curses, the School of Healing Prayer Cards have been designed to help bring divine fortitude into every aspect of your life that needs heavenly aid.
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    Rise above the battle of your tongue and mind with Morris Cerulloā€™s Conquering the Battle Book Bundle! This fantastic two-book bundle, How to Win the Battle of the Tongue and Winning the Battle for Your Mind, contains his most potent teachings, proven to build confidence, resolve inner turmoil, and bring clarity and focus into everyday life. Along with an additional book offer, The Legend of Morris Cerullo, for those looking to truly take it a step further and really conquer lifeā€™s battles. This invaluable bundle will help you take control of your destiny and start dominating any obstacles in your way. *Godā€™s word in your tongue is a revolutionary force! The How to Win the Battle of the Tongue Book by Morris Cerullo will revolutionize how you live your life. This book dives deep into speaking the word with power and authority. Learn how to declare your words into reality, creating positive changes as swiftly as lightning. Godā€™s word will become flesh within you when you open this book. This book offers clear instructions about harnessing the power of speech for greatness in your life! *Itā€™s time to take control of your mind and start winning again with Morris Cerulloā€™s book Winning the Battle for Your Mind. This book will provide insight into confronting and defeating Satanā€™s seven strategies. If youā€™ve been on the losing side in this spiritual battle far too long, then itā€™s time to make a positive change. This book is filled with spirit-inspired words that have been formulated into steps to fight against depression and lies created by Satan himself. Tap into a 100% victorious mentality where instead of walking away defeated, walk away with winning knowledge that defeats all lies set before us!
  • Tallit Prayer Shawl from Israel

    • 20" wide, acrylic
    • 72" long; fully lined
    • Purple and gold striped design
    • With matching bag
    • Hebrew on the crownĀ Blessed are you O Lord God, King of the Universe, Who has fulfilled all of the Torah through Yeshua the Messiah and has covered us with His righteousness.Ā Hebrew corner text: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
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    Prepare to have a new understanding and hunger for prayer as you exercise the principles taught in the Breakthrough Prayer Bundle and personally experience the effect and force that the power of prayer has on your life. This dynamic prayer package includes:
    • The Pathway to Abundance book by Morris Cerullo reveals that the pathway to abundance is reached by first taking the pathway to prayer. At the core of his teachings lies the inspiring story of Jabez ā€“ a gold mine filled with Godā€™s wisdom uncovering the power of prayer.
    • Experience The Power of Prayer and Intercession like never before with a collection of 8 anointed devotions. Explore Godā€™s will, guidance, refuge, grace, and power through beautiful compositions crafted to elevate these special messages of hope for you to meditate on in prayer.
    • Gaining new authority through your faith will empower you to demolish any strongholds the enemy may want to place in your life. Morris Cerulloā€™s book, The Last Great Anointing, will prepare you to face spiritual battles with confidence and courage.
    • This New Level of Strategic Spiritual Warfare Prayer is the perfect way to learn how to become a mighty intercessor! This book will catapult your spiritual journey in ways you canā€™t even imagine. Be energized and charged up by the Holy Spirit as you discover a new, all-consuming passion for prayer.
    • Whether youā€™re hoping for a miracle in your emotions, finances, marriage, or even the breaking of generational curses, the School of Healing Prayer Cards have been designed to help bring divine fortitude into every aspect of your life that needs heavenly aid.
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    Miracle Series

    By: Morris Cerullo Invite divine, life-changing moments into your life with the special Miracle Series package designed just for you! Marvel at stories of faith, love, courage and victory as each powerful book can bring profound changes to your outlook on life. Your heart, soul, and spirit will thank you for reading these books as you take a journey with each page in this three-book series of... The Miracle Book Miracles: You Haven't Seen Anything Yet! Kathryn Kuhlman's Miracle's Voice Get your Miracle book bundle today and step into the realm of the miraculous! *While Supplies Last
  • Ce livre vous conduira dans la bataille de Dieu pour la victoire dans votre vie. Vous recevrez les armes pour dĆ©clarer la guerre Ć  la guerre du diable. Vous apprendrez comment passer dā€™une posture dĆ©fensive Ć  une posture offensive contre lā€™ennemi.Ā  Vous vous saisirez des grandes vĆ©ritĆ©s que Dieu a rĆ©vĆ©lĆ©es au Dr Cerullo pour mener le combat spirituel et amasser le butin de lā€™ennemi. Commandez votre e-book aujourd'hui!
  • Voulez-vous que la puissance de Dieu - la mĆŖme puissance qui Ć©tait sur Christ - soit libĆ©rĆ©e dans votre vie? Avez-vous spirituellement faim dā€™une double portion de lā€™onction de l'Esprit de Dieu manifestĆ©e dans votre vie? Commencez Ć  marcher et Ć  vivre dans l'Esprit, comme JĆ©sus a marchĆ© dans l'Esprit, et vous verrez la puissance libĆ©rĆ©e dans votre vie. Commandez votre e-book aujourd'hui!
  • Entrer dans une nouvelle dimension de la foi Vous voulez entrer dans une nouvelle dimension de la foi? Ce livre vous expliquera la diffĆ©rence entre la foi surnaturelle de Dieu et la capacitĆ© humaine de croire. Dieu est sur le point de libĆ©rer une Parole vivante dans votre esprit et libĆ©rer Sa foi en vous. Commandez votre e-book aujourd'hui!
  • Ce livre n'est pas simplement un autre message ou enseignement sur la foi. Dans ce livre, vous recevrez la foi de Dieu qui est capable de dĆ©placer des montagnes. Elle rend l'impossible possible, elle ne vacille jamais, et elle ne manque jamais de produire des rĆ©sultats! Dieu veut vous faire vivre une expĆ©rience! Il veut vous emmener dans une nouvelle dimension de foi plus puissante que vous n'auriez jamais cru possible. Il veut que vous ayez une rĆ©vĆ©lation complĆØte dans votre esprit du genre de foi qu'Il a prĆ©vu pour vous d'avoir dans votre vie depuis le dĆ©but. Commandez votre e-book aujourd'hui!
  • Dans ce livre Ć©crit par Patricia Hulsey, vous apprendrez Ć  discerner la voix et la volontĆ© de Dieu pour votre vie. Vous dĆ©couvrirez un clair modĆØle biblique pour prendre les dĆ©cisions importantes dans votre marche chrĆ©tienne. Commandez votre e-book aujourd'hui!
  • Cette incroyable rĆ©vĆ©lation explique comment Dieu est Ć  l'œuvre aujourd'hui, et comment Il cherche Ć  vous utiliser tous les jours de votre vie. DĆ©couvrez les concepts clĆ©s: Qui est vraiment un serviteur de Dieu? Comment dĆ©passer le point de bĆ©nĆ©diction et entrer dans le domaine de la puissance. Avoir la foi de Dieu, sans lutter. Que faire lorsque satan dĆ©fie notre autoritĆ©. Ɖvaluer la force de l'ennemi et le vaincre. DĆ©couvrir comment vous pouvez ĆŖtre utilisĆ© par Dieu. Vivre dans le surnaturel et aller spirituellement au-delĆ  de ce que vous ĆŖtes maintenant et entrer dans le domaine de la puissance! Entrez dans la puissance de Dieu aujourd'hui. Commandez votre e-book aujourd'hui!
  • Avez-vous dĆ©jĆ  priĆ© et demandĆ© Ć  Dieu une guĆ©rison, une aide financiĆØre ou la rĆ©solution de problĆØmes familiaux mais avez-vous l'impression que Dieu n'a pas rĆ©pondu Ć  vos priĆØres? Vous pensez que Dieu vous a oubliĆ©, alors que vous entendez les tĆ©moignages dā€™autres ChrĆ©tiens autour de vous qui semblent avoir pratiquement toutes leurs priĆØres exaucĆ©es miraculeusement. Si cā€™est votre cas, alors ce message est pour vous! Dans ce livre, vous ferez lā€™expĆ©rience de la rĆ©ponse de Dieu Ć  chaque priĆØre que vous avez priĆ©e, ne passez pas Ć  cĆ“tĆ©! Commandez votre e-book aujourd'hui!
  • Dieu est sur le point de libĆ©rer une puissance et une gloire plus grandes que celles que nous avons connues! Dieu va nous amener dans une nouvelle dimension d'autoritĆ© dans nos priĆØres oĆ¹ nos paroles, prononcĆ©es avec autoritĆ© et investies dans les promesses de Dieu, nous permettront d'affronter chaque forteresse de l'ennemi. Vous dĆ©molirez des forteresses dans votre famille, votre maison, votre communautĆ© et votre nation! L'avenir appartient aux intercesseurs! Alors que nous entrons dans la fin des temps, nous devons changer notre faƧon de prier. Notre meilleure ressource est la guerre stratĆ©gique, la priĆØre d'intercession. Ce livre oint sur la priĆØre changera votre faƧon de penser et votre faƧon de prier! Commandez votre e-book aujourd'hui!
  • Voulez-vous faire l'expĆ©rience d'une nouvelle effusion de la puissance de la PentecĆ“te dans votre vie? La mĆŖme puissance que lorsque Dieu a littĆ©ralement soufflĆ© le feu spirituel dans la Chambre Haute? PrĆ©parez-vous Ć  dĆ©passer le point de bĆ©nĆ©diction pour expĆ©rimenter la plĆ©nitude de la puissance de Dieu. Ā«Mais vous recevrez une puissance, le Saint Esprit survenant sur vousĀ» Actes 1: 8 En lisant ce livre, embrassez ses puissantes vĆ©ritĆ©s et appliquez-les dans votre vie. Je crois que lorsque vous le ferez, chaque aspect de votre vie, de votre famille et de votre ministĆØre sera transformĆ© par le FEU du Saint-Esprit! Vous aussi, vous pouvez expĆ©rimenter le feu du Saint-Esprit brĆ»lant Ć  l'intĆ©rieur! Commandez votre e-book aujourd'hui!
  • Surmontez les sept stratĆ©gies de satan du cycle de la dĆ©faite en apprenant Ć  faire la guerre Ć  l'ennemi sur le vĆ©ritable champ de bataille de votre pensĆ©e. Vous apprendrez les stratĆ©gies pour surmonter la dĆ©pression, l'oppression, l'obsession, la tentation, la peur, la possession dĆ©moniaque, l'illusion et la tromperie. Ce livre passionnant changera votre vie! Commandez votre e-book aujourd'hui!
  • Comment traiter les problĆØmes et les circonstances de votre vie Ć  travers la rĆ©vĆ©lation de la cause profonde afin dā€™expĆ©rimenter la victoire totale. Cet "appel aux armes" spirituel vous guidera dans des victoires de priĆØre jamais connues auparavant, alors que vous apprenez Ć  exercer une autoritĆ© sur les puissances spirituelles des tĆ©nĆØbres. Ce livre est un grand classique sur le combat spirituel qui a apportĆ© la rĆ©vĆ©lation dā€™une nouvelle vie Ć  de nombreux serviteurs de Dieu et a eu un impact sur des milliers de Croyants Ć  travers les nations du monde. Commandez votre e-book aujourd'hui!
  • Une fois que vous focaliserez votre foi, il n'y aura plus de vacillement, plus de questionnement et plus de confusion dans votre vie! Commencez un voyage qui vous aidera Ć  focaliser votre foi et voir l'accomplissement de chaque promesse que Dieu vous a faite. Vous avez rendez-vous avec votre destinĆ©e spirituelle. Commencez dĆØs aujourd'hui! Commandez votre e-book aujourd'hui!
  • Les miracles vous suivent-ils? Dans ce livre vous dĆ©couvrirez non seulement que Dieu est un Dieu de miracle, mais que les miracles doivent faire partie de la vie de lā€™Ć‰glise aujourdā€™hui. Vous recevrez la rĆ©vĆ©lation que Dieu veut faire de vous un vase Ć  travers lequel Sa puissance miraculeuse agit en et Ć  travers vous afin de pourvoir aux besoins dĆ©sespĆ©rĆ©s de ceux qui nous entourent. Commandez votre e-book aujourd'hui!
  • Dieu a un plan pour votre vie Tout ce que Dieu fait est parfait et Sa crĆ©ation de lā€™homme nā€™est pas lā€™exception qui confirme la rĆØgle. Il y a trois choses que Dieu nā€™a jamais prĆ©vues pour lā€™homme: Un, Il nā€™a jamais prĆ©vu que lā€™homme soit malade. Deux, Il nā€™a jamais prĆ©vu que lā€™homme connaisse le pĆ©chĆ©. Trois, Il nā€™a jamais prĆ©vu que lā€™homme meurt. DĆ©couvrez comment, Ć  travers le salut en JĆ©sus Christ, Dieu a prĆ©vu que vous viviez Ć©ternellement dans Sa prĆ©sence. Recevez votre e-book aujourd'hui!
  • Christ, Celui qui te guĆ©rit Il y a un courant de la puissance de guĆ©rison divine qui sā€™Ć©coule du trĆ“ne de Dieu pour guĆ©rir toute maladie qui afflige lā€™humanitĆ© aujourdā€™hui. Le flot de la puissance de guĆ©rison de Dieu a Ć©tĆ© libĆ©rĆ© pour guĆ©rir la leucĆ©mie, des maladies cardiaques, lā€™arthrose, le sclĆ©rose en plaque, lā€™emphysĆØme, le diabĆØte, le cancer, les affections pulmonaires, le SIDA et toute autre maladieā€¦ pour enlever les grosseurs et les tumeursā€¦ ouvrir les yeux des aveuglesā€¦ restaurer lā€™ouĆÆeā€¦ guĆ©rir les membres du corps affectĆ©s par des maladiesā€¦ pour que les boiteux et les paralytiques marchentā€¦ pour chasser les dĆ©monsā€¦ et restaurer un esprit fort en chacun. Le Dieu qui a dĆ©clarĆ© Ć  Son peuple, IsraĆ«l, quā€™Il est Celui qui les guĆ©rit, en disant, ā€œJe suis lā€™Ć‰ternel qui te guĆ©ritā€ (Exode 15:26), est aujourdā€™hui le mĆŖme Dieu Tout-Puissant qui guĆ©rira tous ceux qui viennent Ć  Lui par la foi. Recevez votre e-book aujourd'hui!
  • Confesser les Promesses Vous vous demandez pourquoi vos priĆØres ne semblent pas ĆŖtre exaucĆ©es? Priez-vous le problĆØme ou la promesse? La Parole parlĆ©e porte en elle une puissance crĆ©atrice impressionnante. DĆ©couvrez les principes que Dieu a Ć©tablis qui vous permettront de dĆ©clarer Ses promesses avec Sa garantie de leur accomplissement. Votre foi doit ĆŖtre inĆ©branlable Ć  la fois dans votre cœur et dans votre bouche! Il est temps de fixer votre foi sur les promesses de Dieu et de les confesser avec audace sur votre santĆ©, votre famille, vos finances, votre hĆ©ritage et votre ministĆØre. Commandez votre e-book aujourd'hui!
  • Un Esprit DĆ©moniaque Il existe un esprit dĆ©moniaque qui contrĆ“le, domine, possĆØde, oppresse, opprime et tourmente huit personnes sur dix dans le monde aujourdā€™hui, y compris les ChrĆ©tiens nĆ©s de nouveau: la peur. DĆ©couvrirez que la puissance dĆ©moniaque Ć©tait bien rĆ©elle Ć  lā€™Ć©poque de JĆ©sus ā€¦ et aussi Ć  notre Ć©poque. Recevrez la rĆ©ponse Ć  la question: Un ChrĆ©tien peut-il ĆŖtre possĆ©dĆ© par un dĆ©mon? Comprenez pourquoi tant de serviteurs de Dieu sont dans la tourmente. Et dĆ©couvrirez le secret de la force spirituelle de lā€™amour qui chasse toute peur. Recevez votre e-book aujourd'hui!
  • Pourquoi Les Justes Jouffrent-ils? DĆ©couvrirez ce qui se dĆ©roule rĆ©ellement dans le monde spirituel concernant les luttes et les circonstances que vous traversez. Recevez la rĆ©ponse Ć  la question: Est-ce la volontĆ© de Dieu que je souffre? Comprenez que les apparences extĆ©rieures ne sont pas le critĆØre qui dĆ©terminent le vĆ©ritable caractĆØre spirituel des ChrĆ©tiens. Et dĆ©couvrez que Dieu est pleinement en contrĆ“le des circonstances de votre vie. Recevez votre e-book aujourd'hui!
  • Pourquoi Les Justes Jouffrent-ils? DĆ©couvrirez ce qui se dĆ©roule rĆ©ellement dans le monde spirituel concernant les luttes et les circonstances que vous traversez. Recevez la rĆ©ponse Ć  la question: Est-ce la volontĆ© de Dieu que je souffre? Comprenez que les apparences extĆ©rieures ne sont pas le critĆØre qui dĆ©terminent le vĆ©ritable caractĆØre spirituel des ChrĆ©tiens. Et dĆ©couvrez que Dieu est pleinement en contrĆ“le des circonstances de votre vie. Recevez votre e-book aujourdā€™hui!
  • Down through the centuries, the Mezuzah has been an ancient tradition by Jewish people to obey the instruction of the Lord and believe God for a mighty increase in blessing. To fulfill this promise, the blessings of God from Deuteronomy were written on a scroll and then placed inside the Mezuzah. Then the Mezuzah is placed on the doorposts of a Jewish home as a step of faith and a point of contact to believe God for the blessings of God to ā€œINCREASE MIGHTILYā€ upon that home and that family. ā€¢ Shaped from an Israel Olive Tree as Godā€™s Promise of Blessing ā€¢ Engraved with Deuteronomy 6:4 as God instructed the Children of Israel ā€¢ Scroll to be inserted is Godā€™s promise of a MIGHTY INCREASE!
  • By: David Cerullo Do you need Godā€™s supernatural intervention in your life? Are you searching for a life-changing miracle in your body, soul, spirit, marriage, job, or finances? Then How to Receive Your Miracle From God will help you experience the miracle you so desperately need. Jesus is reaching His mighty hand and asking you, ā€œWhat do you want me to do for you?ā€ This book by David Cerulloā€™ provides the insight you need to answer Him. Our loving Heavenly Father is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He has never stopped intervening in His childrenā€™s lives with His mighty, life-changing miracles. How to Receive Your Miracle From God will help you experience the miracle you so desperately need from Him!
  • By: David Cerullo An epic spiritual battle is raging in the unseen realm. The devil is real, and his agenda is to steal, kill, and destroy. You and your loved ones need to know how to put on your spiritual armor and use the weapons God had given you to win the war! Whether you're facing the devil's attack in your marriage...your children...your health...or your finances, David Cerullo's life-changing teachings will equip you to recognize and defeat Satan's schemes.
  • By: David Cerullo Find powerful Biblical secrets for multiplying Godā€™s blessings and taking your life from ordinary to EXTRA-ORDINARY! David Cerullo will help you discover: ā€¢ How Godā€™s double portion blessings will change every area of your life ā€¢ The surest path to receiving your double portion ā€¢ Why you can recover double of anything the enemy has stolen ā€¢ How to keep from squandering your double portion inheritance Itā€™s time to believe God for breakthroughs above and beyond anything youā€™ve dreamed of before! David Cerulloā€™s book will help you discover your Heavenly Fatherā€™s amazing plan to help you receive His blessings so you can bless others, gain wealth without sorrow, and live a life of overflowing abundance! Godā€™s plan is to bless you and make you a blessing, and Prosperity Godā€™s Way is the guide to help you get started!
  • Covenant

    By: David Cerullo If youā€™ve been frustrated trying to find prosperity your way, itā€™s time to learn the secrets of prosperity Godā€™s way! David Cerulloā€™s book will help you discover your Heavenly Fatherā€™s amazing plan to help you receive His blessings so you can bless others, gain wealth without sorrow, and live a life of overflowing abundance! Godā€™s plan is to bless you and make you a blessing, and Prosperity Godā€™s Way is the guide to help you get started!
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