• This powerful teaching will help you discover what true worship really is and how it can literally change your life. Jesus said, But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him (John 4:23).
  • God is bringing you into a new position of power, authority, and dominion. He has destined you to be a man or woman of power and authority through whom He can manifest His supernatural power. The greatest outpouring of God's Spirit is yet to come. He hasn't planned to put any limitations on the release of His power through you. Through you, God wants to heal the sick, cast out devils, raise the dead, and fulfill His will in this end-time hour. Take your position of power and authority as a child of God and a joint-heir with Christ.
  • Never before has there been a greater need for Christians to know how to pray with power, to pray prayers that are beyond ordinary prayer, and that are divinely energized and charged by the Holy Spirit!
  • In this exciting revelation, you will discover the powerful, spiritual secrets that Jacob learned. He could have been defeated by his own character flaws, fear, depression, enemies, and circumstances. But Jacob never gave up and God never left him. In fact, Jacob even wrestled with the angel of the Lord. God changed Jacob, and he overcame. This same miracle breakthrough is available for you.
  • You will discover spiritual strategies to overcoming and slaying your giants - the circumstances and situation in your life. You will have 100% victory, 100% of the time. God's servant will take you deep into the trials and victories of David, Jehoshaphat and Peter, to reveal to you God's unchangeable keys for personal victory.
  • We are living in a time when there are circumstance that come against us in life that can make us feel overwhelmed ā€¦ circumstances that bring stress and worry, which can lead to discouragement, depression and spiritual burnout, as well as physical ailments and sicknesses. In a world where stress and worry have created some of the biggest threats to your spiritual and physical health, God has given Dr. Cerullo the keys to overcome Satan's attack.
  • Learn how activate God's healing covenant in your personal life and ministry. You healing has been secured through the sacrifice of Jesus.
  • ā€¦ they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles ā€¦ (Isaiah 40:31). Soaring Over Life's Storms, reveals to you how God's unlimited power is going to be released into your life. The secret from the prophet of God will activate the miracle answers you need for your victory!
  • God has revealed to me that a mighty manifestation of the Holy Spirit is coming. It will bring us into an experience of knowing Christ in all of His fullness. We will begin to function as the true Body of Christ. God will bring us into a powerful new dimension of unity in the Spirit. When this happens, get ready! The world will see the greatest release of the miracle-working power of God that it has ever seen. We will be living, and walking, in the manifestations of Godā€™s miracle-working power.
  • In every one of our lives, there are defining moments- moments where you come face to face with the truth, and then that truth challenges you to change. Read of the defining moment where Morris Cerullo heard God say ā€œSon, you havenā€™t seen anything yet.ā€ He was witnessing miracles then, and continue to see and hear of God doing countless miracles since. Read of the many stories that Morris believe God was alluding to when He said those powerful words to him. Now you can receive those words over your life- You havenā€™t seen anything yet!
  • These two powerful, classic DVD message were preached under an incredibly heavy anointing before thousands of my partners.Ā  This message will take you to a new level of breakthrough in your prayers.Ā  The message on Prayer and Intercession will change your life in a might way!
  • With that commandment, God forever changed the life of Morris Cerullo. Read this dynamic account of how God touched the life of one willing servant to raise up an army of believers to change the world for the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
  • Overcome Satan's seven strategies for the cycle of defeat as you learn how to wage war with the enemy in the real battlefield of your mind. You will learn tactics for overcoming depression, oppression, obsession, temptation, fear, demonic possession, delusion, and deception. This exciting book will change your life!
  • By: David Cerullo These are the appointed feasts of the Lord that you shall proclaim as holy convocations; they are My appointed feasts." Your Heavenly Father wants to step into the circumstances of your life with His supernatural breakthroughs, and some of His most amazing blessings are offered through the "holy convocations" and "appointed times". As you return to these "ancient paths" and keep your appointments with God, His favor will take you from the land of Not Enough or Barely Enough to His land of More Than Enough. Get ready to be blessed beyond your wildest dreams!
  • Covenant

    By: David Cerullo If youā€™ve been frustrated trying to find prosperity your way, itā€™s time to learn the secrets of prosperity Godā€™s way! David Cerulloā€™s book will help you discover your Heavenly Fatherā€™s amazing plan to help you receive His blessings so you can bless others, gain wealth without sorrow, and live a life of overflowing abundance! Godā€™s plan is to bless you and make you a blessing, and Prosperity Godā€™s Way is the guide to help you get started!
  • By: David Cerullo An epic spiritual battle is raging in the unseen realm. The devil is real, and his agenda is to steal, kill, and destroy. You and your loved ones need to know how to put on your spiritual armor and use the weapons God had given you to win the war! Whether you're facing the devil's attack in your marriage...your children...your health...or your finances, David Cerullo's life-changing teachings will equip you to recognize and defeat Satan's schemes.
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  • By: David Cerullo Heal me, O Lord! -Jeremiah 17:14 IF THIS IS THE CRY OF YOUR HEART today ā€“ either for yourself or a loved one ā€“ David Cerullo reveals proven scriptural keys to unleash Godā€™s healing power! Discover how you canā€¦ Know with confidence God wants to heal you Access His supernatural resources Eliminate any hindrances to His healing touch David answers 15 often-asked questions about healingā€¦present 31 Bible-based devotionals on Godā€™s healing powerā€¦and share 6 steps for how you can be healed NOW!
  • Supernatural Eyesight This journey, with Dr. Cerullo into the world of the Holy Spirit will release eyesight as you have never experienced it. Supernatural eyesight is looking into the Spirit, as the great prophets of the Bible did, to see the spiritual reality that is hidden just beyond our eyes. This supernatural eyesight is essential to the higher calling of the Christian. Get Yours Today!
  • With Christ in the School of Prayer is an absolute must-have for those who are really serious about intercession and are ready to move into a new level of strategic, warfare prayer. This dimension of prayer is beyond the normal, traditional type of prayer. It is prayer that supersedes our natural minds and moves into the supernatural to take hold of the impossible.
  • Christ is coming for a holy, anointed, OVERCOMING Church! He is building His Church and He said, ...the gates of hell shall not prevail against us! His purpose for the Church is, and always has been, to transform us into a powerful, victorious, overcoming CHURCH! His intention is regardless of what the enemy may try to do to defeat us, we will be strong and immovableā€”OVERCOMERS! This book will explore the promises Christ gave the seven churches in Revelation 2-3 to those who OVERCOME. We will look at how each of the eight promises relate to the Church today and Christā€™s plan for us to be an OVERCOMING CHURCH.
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