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    Are you ready for YOUR miraculous INCREASE in 2024, unlike any other blessing youā€™ve ever received? These three powerful teachings walk you through key biblical principles for strengthening your prayer life, waiting on God, and living a life of abundance as God intended.
    • Godā€™s Prophetic Financial Plan for Your Life! With more than seven hours of breakthrough teachings, Morris Cerullo give you the spiritual tools to release Godā€™s creative power within. Discover Godā€™s prophetic plan for you to obtain wealth, to live and prosper under His financial anointing. Turn your financial situations around. It IS Godā€™s will for you to prosper!
    • Prosperity Godā€™s Way You are not meant for financial bondage! In Godā€™s economy there is NO LACK, but you need to go beyond the limitations of your natural mind. Learn the faith-filled steps to become debt-free and expect Godā€™s divine sufficiency for your life!
    • Soaring Over Lifeā€™s Storms The key to Godā€™s overcoming power is through a divine exchange ā€“ your weakness for His strength. This powerful teaching reveals how fervent praying and waiting on God will build your faith to soar over lifeā€™s storms.
  • This ebook engages you in God's battle for victory in your life. Right now, grab hold of one of the greatest truths God has ever revealed to me for fighting.
  • With Christ in the School of Prayer is an absolute must-have for those who are really serious about intercession and are ready to move into a new level of strategic, warfare prayer. This dimension of prayer is beyond the normal, traditional type of prayer. It is prayer that supersedes our natural minds and moves into the supernatural to take hold of the impossible.
  • Overcome Satan's seven strategies for the cycle of defeat as you learn how to wage war with the enemy in the real battlefield of your mind. You will learn tactics for overcoming depression, oppression, obsession, temptation, fear, demonic possession, delusion, and deception. This exciting book will change your life!
  • Ce livre vous conduira dans la bataille de Dieu pour la victoire dans votre vie. Vous recevrez les armes pour dĆ©clarer la guerre Ć  la guerre du diable. Vous apprendrez comment passer dā€™une posture dĆ©fensive Ć  une posture offensive contre lā€™ennemi.Ā  Vous vous saisirez des grandes vĆ©ritĆ©s que Dieu a rĆ©vĆ©lĆ©es au Dr Cerullo pour mener le combat spirituel et amasser le butin de lā€™ennemi. Commandez votre e-book aujourd'hui!
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    Propel your spiritual journey to a new level. These Library Classics by Morris Cerullo contain powerful teachings like theĀ Keys to Victory,Ā Hearing the Voice of God, and theĀ Revelation FaithĀ with aĀ Step by StepĀ Plaque that will unlock the Bible's mysteries. ā€¢ Hearing God's Voice Library Classic empowers you with invaluable knowledge to hear, recognize, listen, and discern the Voice of God. No longer will you struggle to differentiate between the divine guidance and the noise of your natural mind or the deceitful whispers of Satan! ā€¢ Revelation Faith Library Classic will guide you into a profound understanding of genuine faith ā€“ the kind of faith God imparts to His beloved children. With this newfound God-measure of faith, you will experience a profound transformation, overcoming obstacles and witnessing God's power work in your life. ā€¢ Keys to Victory Library Classic dive into the strategies used by Jesus Himself to defeat Satan over two millennia ago. Imagine understanding and applying the very tactics that our Savior employed to conquer darkness and claim victory. Armed with these powerful insights, you can triumph over challenges, walk with spiritual authority, and live with purpose and impact! ā€¢ The Step-by-Step Plaque is the ultimate reminder to meditate on the amazing spiritual growth journey you will undertake with these Victory Miracle Library Classics will take you on. Step by step, you will reach your Victory Miracle!
  • God wants to take you into a new, more powerful dimension of faith than you ever thought possible. Revelation Faith is one of our most impactful teaching tools from the classic Victory Miracle Living series. Purchase your copy today.
  • God has revealed to me that a mighty manifestation of the Holy Spirit is coming. It will bring us into an experience of knowing Christ in all of His fullness. We will begin to function as the true Body of Christ. God will bring us into a powerful new dimension of unity in the Spirit. When this happens, get ready! The world will see the greatest release of the miracle-working power of God that it has ever seen. We will be living, and walking, in the manifestations of Godā€™s miracle-working power.
  • Pourquoi Les Justes Jouffrent-ils? DĆ©couvrirez ce qui se dĆ©roule rĆ©ellement dans le monde spirituel concernant les luttes et les circonstances que vous traversez. Recevez la rĆ©ponse Ć  la question: Est-ce la volontĆ© de Dieu que je souffre? Comprenez que les apparences extĆ©rieures ne sont pas le critĆØre qui dĆ©terminent le vĆ©ritable caractĆØre spirituel des ChrĆ©tiens. Et dĆ©couvrez que Dieu est pleinement en contrĆ“le des circonstances de votre vie. Recevez votre e-book aujourdā€™hui!
  • Un Esprit DĆ©moniaque Il existe un esprit dĆ©moniaque qui contrĆ“le, domine, possĆØde, oppresse, opprime et tourmente huit personnes sur dix dans le monde aujourdā€™hui, y compris les ChrĆ©tiens nĆ©s de nouveau: la peur. DĆ©couvrirez que la puissance dĆ©moniaque Ć©tait bien rĆ©elle Ć  lā€™Ć©poque de JĆ©sus ā€¦ et aussi Ć  notre Ć©poque. Recevrez la rĆ©ponse Ć  la question: Un ChrĆ©tien peut-il ĆŖtre possĆ©dĆ© par un dĆ©mon? Comprenez pourquoi tant de serviteurs de Dieu sont dans la tourmente. Et dĆ©couvrirez le secret de la force spirituelle de lā€™amour qui chasse toute peur. Recevez votre e-book aujourd'hui!
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    The Priestly Blessing

    • The Priestly Prayer of the BlessingĀ by Warren M. Marcus As they walked through the wilderness for forty years, the children of Israel received supernatural provision, divine health and angelic protection. In this powerful book and DVD set, Warren M. Marcus reveals how you can experience a supernatural, intimate relationship with your heavenly Father and walk in your God-given destiny like never before.
    • Double BlessingĀ by Mark Baterson Donā€™t Settle for Less Than Youā€™re Called to Bless. God doesnā€™t bless us to raise our standard of living but to raise our standard of giving. Real joy is found in ā€œflipping the blessing.ā€ Some call it ā€œpaying it forward.ā€ In Double Blessing, Mark Baterson challenges you to pursue a lifestyle of God-glorifying giving. As God blesses you in this, our year of expecting supernatural INCREASE, He wants you to be a blessing to others.
  • There is incredible power of God's gift of forgiveness: to heal old wounds, and free yourself and others from the bondage of unresolved hurts. Experience God's love afresh through this powerful message.
  • Receive the keys to unlock God's heart within the pages of this book! Discover life in the supernatural and revel in His glory by giving your all to Him.
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